Reiki Healing Sessions

Embody Your True Nature

Experience a safe and nurturing sanctuary to reclaim your sacredness and belong to yourself again.

Soothe and restore your whole being


When you feel energetically depleted, overwhelmed, stressed or anxious, receiving a soothing and restorative treatment can support you to reconnect back to your whole being physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

A Reiki Healing Session is all about bringing your nervous system and entire being back into balance so you can move through life with greater ease, flow and self-compassion.

One hour of a Reiki treatment is the physiological equivalent of three to four hours of sleep, hence why Reiki is demonstrated as a natural stress relief and health improvement therapy.

Reiki Restores

Universal life force energy to flow freely through your body more effectively, and it has the ability to…

Shift Your Healing

Reiki activates the parasympatheic nervous system which then aids the immune system by relieving some of the stress pressure on it. This alone helps shift many people in the direction of healing.

Assist Your Body to Restore

A Reiki session doesn’t heal, it’s goal is to assist the body’s own restorative processes by helping balance a person’s biofield which helps facilitate their own healing responses.

Be Enthusiastic For Life

When your energy is blocked you feel drained and may experience a variety of aches and pains. When flowing freely, you feel alive with an abundance of energy and enthusiasm for life.

Is Scientifically Proven

As one of the most scientifically tested therapies, it’s now widely accepted in hospitals and private practices and is effective in reducing pain, anxiety and even blood pressure in patients with cancer, back pain and many others.

How I Can Help

With a calm, empathetic approach, you’ll feel confident you’re supporting your wellbeing in life.


Experience a session with a blend of three styles of reiki energy healing, intuitive guidance, crystals and essential oils.


Receive the benefits of this powerful tool for releasing emotional blocks and patterns so you can shift any limitations.


Unlock a suppressed negative issue and transmute it, so it no longer has a hold on your energy field and life situations.


Receive complete relaxation and restoration

A Reiki healing session with Natalie is a blend of three styles of reiki energy healing, intuitive guidance, crystals and essential oils.

Whether receiving your treatment in person or online, Nat aims to create a safe space where you feel heard and supported. The session starts with heartfelt conversation to set your intention, followed by meditation to support you in grounding into the present and connecting with your breath. Reiki will then be channelled through all aspects of your being to clear any blocks and bring an overall sense of wellness back into your body. Your session concludes with a debrief of any intuitive messages or guidance that has come through.

Light Of Wellness, Buderim or online via Zoom.

1-2 hours (until energetically complete)


1 hr $100 AUD 

2 hr $150 AUD

“Nat is an amazing healer and teacher”

I had a reiki healing from her and it was like nothing I’ve ever experienced in my life, so much so that I went on to study my reiki levels with her.  Since I’ve met her my life has changed for the better in every way. She is very relatable, easy to talk to and just a really lovely person. Highly recommend!

– Abbi

“A sacred space where even the most sensitive souls can go”

Explore light energetics, meditations and teaching under graceful humble guidance. If you are seeking.. you will find it here.

– Naomi


Release emotional blocks and patterns

Are you weighed down by fear, anxiety, anger or stress caused by work, family or your health? Are you afflicted by a stubborn mental or physical problem? Are you paralysed by persistent depression, fatigue or weakness? Or are you frozen by inaction, procrastination or indecision when it matters most? You can let go of everything that is in the way of you living your life with an Emotional Liberation session.

An Emotional Liberation session is a powerful tool for releasing emotional blocks and patterns. An empowering process in which Natalie uses guided meditation and gentle self-inquiry tools to support you in shifting any limitations you may be experiencing.

What to expect?
You may want to work on a particular incident that has happened in your life, an illness or a reoccurring unwanted pattern. In this session, you will be guided through emotional layers back to the point of origin where a pattern or belief was born. With this powerful technique, Natalie will gently guide you to acknowledge the emotion for 10-30 seconds before it is released.

This session offers the opportunity to open up and connect with the parts of you that may have been left behind, allowing you to let go and move forward in your life in a positive way. By reconnecting with these subconscious aspects, you will begin to feel centred and whole.

Light Of Wellness, Buderim or online via Zoom.

1.5-2 hours (until energetically complete)


$150 AUD


Unlock and transmute your issues

Have you ever wondered why you fear a certain thing in life or why the same issues keep reoccurring? Are you living with a phobia where you can not pinpoint the origin? Do you have an affinity for certain cultures or vivid dreams of yourself in different times and places? These may be memories from your past lives emerging.

When exploring a Past Life we must understand the notion of Karma. Derived from Hinduism and Buddhism culture, Karma encompasses the belief that we have each lived many lives. It’s believed that each individual’s incarnation provides specific learning for our soul to grow and evolve. It is also believed that the situations and circumstances of our present life can be influenced by the actions of a previous life. If we do not clear karma from previous lives, we are destined to repeat the same patterns continuously.

As we’ve evolved we’ve gained the knowledge that the source of our emotional challenges come from past lifetimes. We can now easily and painlessly access them, get to the core of our emotional issues and remove the unwanted karma. The goal of a Past Life session is to unlock a suppressed negative issue and transmute it, so it no longer has a hold on your energy field. The results are life-changing and can bring closure and resolution, ensuring you can find greater happiness, wholeness and empowerment in this life.

What to expect?
Drawing from a sacred Reiki technique, you’ll be guided through a gentle yet deep meditation journey to open your subconscious. This process allows you to retrieve past memories which may have unprocessed associated emotions. This treatment aims to access the feeling state of a given past life and alchemise the learnings of the lifetime into wisdom. Extracting learning from a past life experience can allow you to leave disharmonious emotions behind and take the teachings into your current life.

Light Of Wellness, Buderim or online via Zoom.

1.5-2 hours (until energetically complete)

$150 AUD


“Nat is nothing short of amazing.”

In all honesty, I learn something new from every interaction I have with her, whether it be a meditation class or a quick chat. Nat is dedicated to Reiki, community and seeing this world evolve into a better place by sharing her magic and bringing us together. Thank you for everything thus far Nat and I look forward to learning sooooo much more with you. 

– Jodene

I’ve helped hundreds of everyday people like you embody their true nature in life

If you’re not sure if a reiki healing session is right for you, check out what some of my clients had to say about their experiences.

“A genuine, caring soul who I trust.”

I have had the pleasure of having a healing session with Nat as well as doing my Reiki 1 & 2 training with her and weekly meditation sessions. She is an authentic, genuine, caring soul who teaches and guides with a gentle and down to earth practical nature.


“Enlightening and profound.”

The most profound spiritual experience I’ve had. Nat is amazing. Highly recommend Nat and her unique healing experience. 


“A sacred healing and learning space I just keep coming back to!”

I’ve been through Reiki levels 1, 2 and Master 3. Every level gets better and better. It took me some time to go down this energy healer path and I couldn’t have picked a more humble, gentle, kind soul as Natalie to guide me to my own soul’s work.


Hey, I’m Natalie!

Spiritual Healer, Reiki Master and Teacher, Speaker, Meditation Facilitator.

I’m here to support you to go deeper on your inner healing path so you can move beyond feeling broken and stuck to feeling safe in your body, shift into emotional coherence and transform your story.

I believe energy work and developing healthy self-awareness in your own life is easy. The problem is that us humans tend to overcomplicate things.

After practicing Reiki for 24 years and teaching for over 10 years, I discovered that self-awareness is a skill that needs to be learned, practiced and refined. It’s helped me manage my emotions better, make better decisions, increase my confidence and has improved the way I cope with stress.  

Now my mission is to teach everyday people how to reclaim not just their wellness, but also their inner peace, purpose and joy.

The Process

Whether you book a Reiki, Past Life or Emotional Liberation Session,, the process is the same:


Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about this process.

Which treatment should I pick?

You are most welcome to pick the treatment that resonates for you. However, if this is your first time, you may like to choose the Reiki Healing Session that incorporates all three types of Reiki; it can be a great starting point. Upon arrival, Natalie will guide you to anchor your intention, and this process supports the direction of your session.

What can I expect in a treatment?

Whether receiving your treatment in person or online, Natalie aims to create a safe space where you feel heard and supported. The session starts with heartfelt conversation to set your intention, followed by what is guided to bring an overall sense of wellness back into your body. Your session concludes with a debrief.

What happens after the treatment?

It is important to support your wellbeing as you integrate after the treatment. Please allow at least 1-2 days to give yourself nurturing care and gentle spaces to integrate after your treatment. Natalie will check in with you after the treatment.


What is Reiki?

Usui Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) in the West is most commonly understood as a holistic healing method for connecting universal energy with the body’s innate powers of healing. When this energy is flowing freely, you feel alive, you have an enthusiasm for life and an abundance of energy. When this energy is blocked in your body, you feel drained, unmotivated, and may even experience a variety of aches and pains or other physical challenges. The main purpose of Reiki as a healing modality is to allow for this Universal Life force Energy to flow freely in your body, allowing the body to heal itself.

What are the benefits to having Reiki?
  • Experience your life force flow harmoniously
  • Come into deeper alignment with who you are
  • Explore your faith and purpose
  • Create synergy between the mind and body
  • Embark on a path of developing self-awareness
  • Use Symbols to intensify and direct the energy
  • Opportunity to share healing with family, and friends
  • Find relief from pain, sleep issues, muscle tension, and other symptoms
  • Energise the food you eat and the water you drink
  • Heal your pets and animals
  • Clear your home or a clients home or office of negative energy permanently
What are the different types of Reiki?

There are many forms of Reiki; some of them are listed here. What is most important to know is that, they all practice the giving of love energy, derived from the universal life energy or source, some may call it God. The Reiki practitioner is a channel for that energy, they are not healing you, you are healing yourself and they are facilitating the most optimal environment for that to occur.

Usui Reiki, meaning “Universal Life Force Energy”, aims to improve health and enhance the quality of life. It treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit and creates many beneficial effects including relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. Reiki can improve healing time, reduce or eliminate pain and reduce stress.

Seichim Reiki (from the Egyptian word Sekhem) translates into English as “The Power of Powers”. Seichim is an ancient and sacred advanced form of hands on healing having sounds and symbols and is the parent energy of all hands on healing systems. This feminine energy has so many applications and is one of our favourite energies to work with.

Karuna Reiki is a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is translated to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others or “compassionate action.” Karuna is the motivating quality of all enlightened beings that are working to end suffering on Earth. By developing Karuna in yourself, you are not only helping others, but you also become more receptive to the Karuna that is being sent by all enlightened beings. Thus your healing is quickened. Buddhist literature states that Karuna must be accompanied by parjna or wisdom in order to have the right effect. For this reason, Karuna is only taught to Usui Reiki Master/Teachers. This masculine energy is a wonderful enhancement to your connection to the Universal energy. With Karuna you connect with energy of beings from other Universes and dimensions here to aid in our evolution.

What does the process look like?

The first step is to book your session. Once you do that, you’ll receive a confirmation with location, date and time information. 

During your session you’ll receive support to restore your energy system so it flows freely and optimally for your health and wellbeing.

Once your session is finished, you’ll experience energetic shifts and feel more connected with your everyday life. 

How are payments processed?

Credit card, Paypal or Bank Transfer

Still have questions?

If you cannot find an answer to your question in the FAQs above, feel free to contact me.

Find inner peace and happiness in the chaos.

When your soul is aligned with it’s inner purpose, any energetic blocks to abundance, and fulfilment are cleared.

When this happens, you’re able to effortlessly create the everyday life you were destined for.

If you’re ready to take your everyday life to the next level, click the button below to get started.