Raise Your Home’s Vibration

Imagine living in a space that is energetically aligned to you and your family. Where there’s peace, harmony and no external interference. Your soul’s oasis. 

Your home is an extension of your energy field.


Removing disharmonious energies and replacing it with positivity restores harmony and creates an environment ready for new opportunities.

It allows for personal growth and expansion. It welcomes peace and harmony in your home. It fosters loving relationships in your family. 

Allow yourself to be in a space of intention, expansion and growth, every single day, so you can create the life you desire.


Turn your home into a peaceful sanctuary

Shift Stagnate Energies

Removing disharmonious energies and replacing it with positivity restores harmony and creates an environment ready for new opportunities.

Raise The Vibration

Setting the frequency of each room not only raises the vibration of your energy field, but helps your health and wellbeing too.

Tools For Your Kids

My purpose and passion is to help families understand subtle energy and how to work with it safely and fearlessly by giving tools for adults AND kids. 

Harmonise Your Health

Energy can affect your health and wellbeing and if your environment doesn’t support you energetically, you will notice rapid changes physically, emotionally and mentally.


Live In An Energetically Harmonious Sanctuary

Have you ever walked into a space that didn’t feel energetically aligned? Where it may have felt “off” or heavy? Alternatively, have you ever gone into a room that felt light and uplifting?

Over the years, physical spaces like your home and workspace can hold onto energy. These energies can be supportive or disharmonious, affecting the people who live, work or interact within the space. Disharmonious energy can stagnate and negatively influence your mood, relationships and motivation.

Giving your environment an energetic spring clean can help purify and cleanse emotional and mental residues that may have become stagnant within a physical space. Removing the negativity and replacing it with positivity restores harmony and creates an environment ready for new opportunities.

You need a space clearing when:

  • People within the house are regularly waking at night feeling scared or uneasy for no apparent reason.
  • There is disharmony amongst the people living in the home.
  • Entering the home it feels heavy, dense or suffocating.
  • Spending time in a space you have negative feelings for no apparent reason such as heaviness, fatigue, anger, depression, discomfort or even fear.
  • You have just purchased a property and previous owners divorced, always argued, were sick… there are many variables.
  • You are renting a property, for the same reasons as above.
    computers/electrical appliances continuously malfunction without known cause.
  • There are strange smells, sounds or objects move within the house for no apparent reason.
  • There is a general feeling of negativity in the home or living environment.
  • There has been trauma or grief in the family.

What to expect?
Using several energy clearing techniques Natalie clears and balances the energy in and around your property, which can be felt very shortly afterwards, bringing a feeling of calm and peace to the space.

Natalie clears away unwanted negativity and replaces it with higher vibrational energy restoring balance within the property. Natalie will also remove trapped entities such as spirits or ghosts and cross them over so they no longer dwell in your environment and potentially bother you.

Natalie will also provide each client on request, suggestions on how they can continue to keep themselves and their environment balanced.

A standard 3 bedroom home is $247AUD PLUS travel costs if more than fifteen minutes from Buderim.

“Nat brought me peace of mind and harmony to our home.”

Starting with a clean slate in our new home was a must. After all the stress in moving, unpacking and decluttering, we knew something felt a little off as we settled into our house. Nat came in and explained the process and made us all feel at ease as she energetically cleared the home. She shared tips for the kids and was guided to give us individual protection symbols for each of us. As a family, we slept the best we ever have and continue to do so thanks to Nat.

– Tara

I’ve helped hundreds of everyday people like you cleanse and purify their home

If you’re not sure if a house clearing is right for you, check out what some of my clients had to say about their experiences.

“Starting with a clean slate in our new home was a must”

After all the stress in moving, unpacking and decluttering, we knew something felt a little off as we settled into our house. Nat came in and explained the process and made us all feel at ease as she energetically cleared the home. 


“Our home feels brighter and lighter.”

The most profound spiritual experience I’ve had. Nat is amazing. Highly recommend Nat and her unique healing experience. 


Light Of Wellness Reiki School Sunshine Coast

“We sold our home quickly and easily.”

Things weren’t right and after Nat cleared some entities, we sold our home instantly. Thank you for your help Nat!


Hey, I’m Natalie!

Spiritual Healer, Reiki Master and Teacher, Speaker, Meditation Facilitator.

I’m here to support you to go deeper on your inner healing path so you can move beyond feeling broken and stuck to feeling safe in your body, shift into emotional coherence and transform your story.

I believe energy work and developing healthy self-awareness in your own life is easy. The problem is that us humans tend to overcomplicate things.

After practicing Reiki for 24 years and teaching for over 10 years, I discovered that self-awareness is a skill that needs to be learned, practiced and refined. It’s helped me manage my emotions better, make better decisions, increase my confidence and has improved the way I cope with stress.  

Now my mission is to teach everyday people how to reclaim not just their wellness, but also their inner peace, purpose and joy.

The Process

Whether you book a Reiki, Past Life or Emotional Liberation Session,, the process is the same:


Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about this process.

Can I be present as the clearing takes place?

You are most welcome to be present while the clearing takes place. You can also work from home while the space is cleared.

What can I expect in a clearing?

Using several energy clearing techniques Natalie clears and balances the energy in and around your property, which can be felt very shortly afterwards, bringing a feeling of calm and peace to the space.

Natalie clears away unwanted negativity and replaces it with higher vibrational energy restoring balance within the property. Natalie will also remove trapped entities such as spirits or ghosts and cross them over so they no longer dwell in your environment and potentially bother you.

Natalie will also provide each client on request, suggestions on how they can continue to keep themselves and their environment balanced.

What happens after the clearing?

After your clearing, expect to experience energetic shifts and feel more at ease in your home. Each family member will be cleared too and given protective symbols and guidance to maintain vibration of home.


What is Reiki?

Usui Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) in the West is most commonly understood as a holistic healing method for connecting universal energy with the body’s innate powers of healing. When this energy is flowing freely, you feel alive, you have an enthusiasm for life and an abundance of energy. When this energy is blocked in your body, you feel drained, unmotivated, and may even experience a variety of aches and pains or other physical challenges. The main purpose of Reiki as a healing modality is to allow for this Universal Life force Energy to flow freely in your body, allowing the body to heal itself.

What are the benefits to having clearing?
  • Experience your life force flow harmoniously
  • Come into deeper alignment with who you are
  • Find relief from pain, sleep issues, muscle tension, and other symptoms
  • Energise the food you eat and the water you drink
  • Heal your pets and animals
  • Clear your home or a clients home or office of negative energy permanently
What does the process look like?

The first step is to book your clearing providing house location and number of rooms. Once you do that, you’ll receive a confirmation with date and time information. 

During your clearing you’ll receive support to restore your home so energy flows optimally for the health and wellbeing of your family.

Once your clearing is finished, you’ll experience energetic shifts and feel more connected with your everyday life. 

How are payments processed?

Credit card, Paypal or Bank Transfer

Still have questions?

If you cannot find an answer to your question in the FAQs above, feel free to contact me.

 Restore balance in your home

Removing disharmonious energies and replacing it with positivity restores harmony and creates an environment ready for new opportunities.

If you’re ready to take your everyday life to the next level, click the button below to book a clearing today.